Building Scientific Web Books by Martin Otter

Table of Contents

  1. Book Cover
  2. Preface
  3. Chapter 1 - Steps to build a Scientific Web Book
    1. 1.1 File Structure
    2. 1.2 Defining the Book Structure
    3. 1.3 Updating the Book
    4. 1.4 Defining Figures and Tables
    5. 1.5 Defining Mathematical Equations
    6. 1.6 Defining Source Code Syntax Highlighting
    7. 1.7 Defining Bibliographic References
    8. 1.8 Defining Cross References
    9. 1.9 Style Files
  4. Chapter 2 - Tools
    1. 2.1 Graphical Editors
    2. 2.2 Text Editors supporting Mathematical Symbols
    3. 2.3 Vector Graphics with SVG
    4. 2.4 HTML and CSS Validators
    5. 2.5 Useful Links
  5. Chapter 3 - Missing Features
    1. 3.1 Other Captions
    2. 3.2 Search Button
    3. 3.3 Index
    4. 3.4 Parsing Issue
    5. 3.5 Converting to PDF Format
  6. Chapter 4 - Other Alternatives
    1. 4.1 Epub3
    2. 4.2 Office Applications
    3. 4.3 Markup Languages (Markdown, Pandoc, ReStruturedText, Sphinx)
    4. 4.4 LaTeX
    5. 4.5 DocOnce
    6. 4.6 Summary
  7. Appendix A - makeWebBook Program
    1. A.1 The Go Progamming Language
    2. A.2 The Go Implementation of the makeWebBook Program
  8. Appendix B - jqmath Symbols
  9. References