Chapter 4 - Other Alternatives
There are other alternatives to build a scientific web book. The following (incomplete) discussion summarizes information from the Modelica trac ticket 1730.
4.1 Epub3
The web standard for electronic (HTML) books is Epub. It is used by a large community. The newest version 3.0.x (epub3) supports additionally svg, MathML and Javascript. Epub is interesting because a lot of development work is being done. Since there is a huge commercial interest, tools are available (for Epub2) or are becoming available (for Epub3). A reasonable open source epub2/3 editor is Calibre. It provides most of the commands via a toolbar and shows the rendering result at once in a second window. There are also commercial editors that have a true WYSIWYG editing facility (e.g. BlueGriffon).
Epub3 has currently several drawbacks:
- Tool vendors are mostly interested in closed environments with specific digital rights management (e.g., Apple, Amazon, ...).
- Tools do not yet support the full epub3 standard and it takes a lot of effort to figure out the parts of the web standards that are not yet supported (e.g. no/partial support for mathml, svg).
- Although some epub3 tools support Javascript, it is usually disabled for security reasons. Therefore, using Javascript in the book gives a convenience issue: One has to tell the user that he/she has to explicitly enable Javascript in the respective tool, in order that the book "looks good".
- A user needs an epub3 viewer. He/she cannot just click on a web page to see the book.
- All the issues with section, caption, equation numbers seem to not yet been tackled by the tools.
- It is not practical to use an open source code management system like github to work collaboratively on the same document (like a language specification) including versioning, determining version differences, issue tracking, because all files of the epub book are zipped (so it is binary format).
4.2 Office Applications
The best WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors are the ones for office applications, such as Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, GoogleDocs etc. So, one could use one of them as "mother" version and when a new version of the book is needed, a pure HTML version could be constructed.
The drawbacks are:
- Several office applications have been evaluated to generate HTML code for web applications, including Word 2013, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Calligra, Abiword. The result is just a mess. Especially, it seems not possible to make this process automatic and manual work seems always to be needed. Some tools are also unstable (easily crash for the Modelica Language specification).
- It seems not practical to use an open source code management system like github to work collaboratively on the same document because a binary file format is used (or more precisely, xml text files that are zipped).
4.3 Markup Languages (Markdown, Pandoc, ReStruturedText, Sphinx)
There are many textual markup languages that use "natural" markups and can be converted into different formats, especially into HTML. Examples are:
- Markdown. There are many variants of it. Markdown and most variants of it are not rich enough for scientific documents.
- Pandoc is a command line program that
transforms from many input to many output formats, including HTML4, HTML5,
epub, docx. Pandoc by default uses markdown with a large number of
extensions. For example, Markdown is only
for one file/document, but Pandoc-Markdown can handle multiple files for
one document. Pandoc-markdown has escape mechanisms, e.g., to include HTML
code directly, that is utilized when exporting to HTML, HTML5 or epub.
Therefore, in principal arbitrary HTML elements are supported. Experiments show that the transformation might be incomplete. There are several tools that are based on Pandoc-Markdown, for example:
- Atom-pandoc is a plugin to the atom editor that has Pandoc-Markdown syntax highlighting and shows the HTML-rendered transformed code with a keyboard shortcut.
- The commercial tool is a stand-alone GUI for (subset) Pandoc-Markdown. It is really nice and simple (like a very reduced office program). The most important pandoc transformations are available via a menu. E.g. export in HTML, epub, docx, latex, pdf. Unfortunately cross-references within a document (which is available in Pandoc-Markdown) is not supported in the tested version 0.23.
- ReStructured Text is yet another Markdown dialect with many extensions. It is used especially in the Python community. It seems to have a similar expressive power as Pandoc-Markdown. A comparison between Pandoc-Markdown and ReStructured text is provided here.
- Sphinx is a document processing tool based on ReStructured text. It is used a lot in the Python community and can generate HTML, HTML5, epub and pdf (via Latex). It includes format neutral cross referencing, selection of appropriate media types for figures, inline inclusion of source code, handling of mathematical equations, syntax highlighting. Furthermore, it is extensible. Martin Sjoelund provides a distribution of Sphinx that is easy to install under Windows without administrator rights (it includes a local installation of the needed Python version). Sphinx does not have a graphical editor, but requires to define the document with a text editor. After processing the sources (which seems to be quick also for large documents), the resulting HTML can be viewed in a web browser. Sphinx does not support section numbers in cross references (such as "see section 3.2.1").
4.4 LaTeX
LaTeX is the de-facto standard in the scientific community to produce high-quality printed books. It is natural to have a processing system that is able to transform a subset of LaTeX markups (or more precisely, the calls of TeX macros) in to HTML.
A short sketch of LaTeX to HTML tools is given by Martin Sjoelund . His conclusion is that Hevea seems to be the best LaTeX to HTML converter. There is a distribution of Hevea for Windows (the latest Windows version is from March 2013). I tried this distribution on Windows 7 but did not yet manage to get it running (when running in the installation directory of hevea: "hevea test\pavtest.tex" get the error message: "File error: Cannot open file: hevea.hva").
4.5 DocOnce
There is a markup.language called DocOnce. The author, Hans Petter Langtangen, explains here why Sphinx, pandoc-markdown, LaTeX and other approaches are not sufficient for scientific books. He argues that he wants to have one document source and generate from this source (a) a book in high (LaTeX) quality and (b) a web-site in high (html) quality, including modern (responsive) web design. He argues that this is not possible with any solution he knows (including Sphinx, pandoc-markdown and LaTeX) and therefore he invented a new markup-language and implemented the needed converters in Python. He used DocOnce to write a 900 page Springer book (A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python). So, this is a practical proof that this language has everything what is needed to write (a) a scientific book and (b) a web page (there are many examples on the DocOnce web page).
The drawbacks are:
- No WYSIWYG whatsoever, even no limited editor support (like pandoc markdown in Atom editor).
- Naturally, DocOnce must "somehow" select a subset of book elements that are supported both by html and by latex, in order that the tool can generate for both targets. Maybe there is an escape mechanism for HTML/LaTeX command, so that every command can be used (however, I did not yet figure this out).
- Hard to install (many Python packages are needed)
From all inspected approaches, this seems to be the only one that is able to produce a printed and a web-site book in high quality from the same source.
4.6 Summary
If a book shall be generated in several formats (say HTML and high-quality book in pdf), the markup languages sketched above seem currently to be the only choice and one has to accept their drawbacks. If HTML shall be the only book format, the situation is different:
All the reasonable approaches discussed in this chapter have generally the drawback that no office-like graphical user environments are available to easily define the text. For some community this might be acceptable, for others not. The approach proposed in this book is better in this respect, because there are open source and commercial GUI programs to define HTML text in an office-like way.
All these approaches also seem to not support the features that are important for a scientific web book: Numbering of sections, figures, tables, equations, and cross referencing these elements. Again, this is supported by the approach advocated in this book.
It might be possible to combine the approaches.
For example, if a tool generates HTML files with id
attributes, then the makeWebBook program might be used to
add all the missing section, caption, and figure numbers.
Equations can most likely not be handled, because a special
marking is assumed by makeWebBook.